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How I Edit My Instagram Photos

It really surprises me how often I will get a little DM asking me how I edit my instagram photos. Because to be honest my photos are kind of simple in the editing process and aren’t very exciting. None the less I still get so many questions on how I edit them. So I thought that I would talk you through how I usually edit them (however brief this blogpost is).

Firstly, the camera that I use is normally the Pansonic LUMIX DZ200. It’s such a good camera and I would really recommend it. In all honesty though, I often use my Iphone SE to take my photos. It has such a sharp camera and really good photo quality. So I like to use my phone, especially for flatlays! When I take my posts, I ALWAYS use natural lighting. I prefer to take my photos near a window to ensure that they best lighting is on the layout. I also like to use a reflector which are so easy to get hold of and very inexpensive. If you aren’t aware of what a reflector is, it’s basically a big circular white screen that spreads out the lighting evenly. That way you don’t get any funny shadows from your products. I have found since using this such an improvement in my photo quality and love the professional finish it gives.

The first thing I do with with the editing process is use the app Photo Wonder. It is such a good app and has amazing features that allow really high quality editing. The first thing I like to do is crop the image down to the angle that I want, then I sharpen it a little bit. Then I use the ‘natural’ effect and turn it down to minimal. Sometimes the background isn’t white enough, so I use the Airbrush app and use the teeth whitening effect. I then colour in whatever part of the picture isn’t white enough and just blend that around. After that, I go back into Photo Wonder and use ‘natural’ effect and turn it down to half.

That is literally all I do when I edit my instagram photos. I told you it was simple!
