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Do You Have A Killer Business Plan?

Times have changed since when I started blogging. Bloggers are no longer seen as bloggers; they are influencers, business women and entrepreneurs. And can I just say…. WE ARE KILLING IT!! I am LOVING seeing how BADASS bloggers are and how they are creating a true business and brand out of their hobby. Its so inspiring!

I have found since starting my blog that there was something that I was lacking, and that was a business plan. If you told me 3 years ago when I started this little corner of the internet (can you believe that its been 3 years?!?!) that I would be writing up a business plan for my website I would have told you that you were being crazy. But here I am, planning my future with this blog and calling it my business plan.

When writing my business plan, I found it harder than I thought. I mean, going from someone who never planned her blogposts and just wrote what was on her mind, it was odd having to write down my goals and dreams. So I have found that these are the best pieces of advice than I can give to anyone writing their own plan in order to create a KILLER business plan.

Define your business

One of the reasons why I was struggling is because I didn’t really know what my business was, what I wanted from it or where I was going. So I sat myself down and asked myself those questions. I asked myself where I wanted to see my blog in a years time, in two years time and even in 10 years time. I found that once I knew what I wanted with myself, it was much easier to plan my future.

Ask yourself these questions:

Whats your goal?

What can you offer?

Where do you see yourself in — years to come?

Once you can answer those questions, you will find it much more beneficial to write yourself a business plan.

Be realistic

I think it can be very easy to get overexcited and get way ahead of ourselves. If you have just started a blog, don’t expect to have a million followers in a year. Start small, aim high of course, but be realistic. I have learnt the hard way that realism is something that keeps you grounded and keeps you motivated in order to achieve those reasonable goals.

Know your market

When creating a business, it is so important to know your market. Whether you’re opening a bakery, creating a blog or freelancing, you need to know what your client wants. What will make you stand out from the millions of businesses out there? Why will people come back to you and what can you offer them?

Knowing your market can make or break your business and get you on the road to success.

Celebrate your success

Whether you have simply put up your first blogpost, got your first pay check or hit 12,000 followers. Allow yourself time to celebrate! When you achieve targets or hit your goals, its so important to reward yourself and celebrate your greatness. Be proud of yourself girl!

If you are writing yourself a business plan, I wish you all the luck in the world! Leave below your websites, brands of business links below and we can all support each other!
