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Competition in the Blogosphere- Comparison, Rivalry and Where I Find Myself

I’ve been thinking a lot about this topic recently, to tell you the truth. I have been thinking a lot about other bloggers, comparing the opportunities and collaborations they get. Comparing the rate of their growth. Comparing the camera they use and the locations they shoot in. But it wasn’t until a lovely follower asked for some advice about ‘competing’ bloggers that I though to write a post about it.

Comparison is the thief of all joy


I know how dangerous comparison is, I really do. So why do I keep scrolling their feeds and watching their stories, wondering why that is not me?

Although I am notorious for comparing myself, to tell you the truth, I never say other bloggers as competition. I never ever thought about ‘competing’ with them for brands, or collabs or opportunities. Which is why I was so shocked when I saw others thinking of fellow bloggers as their ‘rivals’. Obviously I am not going to name names, but there have been occasions where girls have bad mouthed other bloggers, in an attempt to deter a brand from working them!!

It was disgusting behaviour and, quite frankly, it said more about them than it did the other blogger.

When it comes to blogging rivalry, I guess, yes, you could say that other bloggers are ‘competition’. But I hate seeing it in that way. I mean if there were no other bloggers then it would make the industry a very lonely place!!

The way I see it is that blogger are like actors, yes other actors are technically ‘competition’, but in the end the company looking for a collab (or movie looking for an actor) is always going to choose who is best for the role. I mean, brands wouldn’t exactly look to me for a tall range campaign, would they?

To tell you the truth, it makes me really sad when I see other bloggers thinking of everyone in their industry as competition. Maybe I am just really ignorant, or maybe I am a bit naive, but hey, I have done pretty well so far seeing other bloggers as friends rather than foes! I think it’s pretty obvious when you are the type of girl who ‘rivals’ with others; the kind of girl who never engages with other bloggers but complains when her own engagement is down.

What I am trying to say is that no, there is no ‘competition’ in the blogosphere. At least not for me, there’s not. If you are thinking about entering it or are worries about ‘rival’ blogs, then please just close your laptop and walk away. Blogging is supposed to be fun. it’s supposed to be enjoyable. So stay in your lane, you’ll love it so much more!

Photography- Ami Ford
